Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why don't I remember conversations I've have right after wake up (and in the past falling rear to sleep)?

Every day my mom say that she woke me up earlier, have me sit up, and we had a intact conversation and can hardly beleive I don't remember any of it. She described what we talk about and I hold no memory of it at all. She say I'm usually happy and report to her at the end that I would approaching to go posterior to sleep, and then I do. Why do I never remember this?Why don't I remember conversations I've have right after wake up (and in the past falling rear to sleep)?
Happens to everybody, I infer.
When you're sleeping, except in REM sleep, your brain pretty much erases your memories. That's why you can't as a rule remember dreams very economically (dreams occur contained by REM sleep, but you cycle through the stages so unless you wake up during REM you can't remember them immensely well).
You just weren't completely awake all the same.
Idk...maybe your mom is lately messing with you. You could achieve a tape recorder and put it on surrounded by your room before you dance to bed...Or you could ask your mom to record it for you. Do you ever remember wake up in the middle of the darkness? If you do then likelihood are that you would remember having a conversation. If you don't after you might just be a really adjectives sleeper. Anyways good luck!

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