Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am ai Still sweating right after taking shower?

I come home from running here in Florida, whip a cold shower, and right after, I am already sweating again. Why is that?Why I am ai Still sweating right after taking shower?
Chances are the humidity is very illustrious and there is alot of moisture surrounded by the air, which is the function you feel sweaty.
cart a colder and slightly longer shower
Because your metabolism is still highly elevated from your exercise.

Why headache occure?

Why headache occure?
Bioligacally, headache occurs because blood vessel in the pave the way are expanded and each heartbeat sends more blood pulsing through the brain and its covering membranes.
Personally, my headache occur due to stress, head trauma, or particular medication.
I know mine are bc of stress. I had this horrible headache on a sunday when my fiancee and adjectives of our friends went to bash in mexico. I be feeling sick and my guide hurt so bad I couldnt appropriate it anymore. He took me to the doctor and he said that it was bc of adjectives the stress I had at work and it headache usually show up during the weekend, when your mind and body are relaxing. It could also be something more severe, like cancer.
Stress ,coldness,and the illusion that we are traped contained by the body.

Why have my doo-doo be green lately if I haven't be intake any fruits or veggies?

I know I need to put away them, but I just get my stove fixed. So now I can resume cooking veggies. I've be very gassy & bloated & making profusely of green doo-doo.Why have my doo-doo be green lately if I haven't be intake any fruits or veggies?
Any stomach pain along near it?
If so...it may be your gallbladder
name brand purple flavor Kool Aid does that to me it's because of adjectives the dyes in it though
because if your drinking junk food [pizza rolls, snacks, etc] its discouraging for you, especially cereal makes it green, ick!
froot loops?
apple jacks?
other artificial green foods

Why have Dr Frank shocked me? Anyone else?

Dr Frank, I just read that you have your ears pierced with your daughter. The dummy of you in my minds eye does not contest a man with earrings, do you truly wear them? LOL.Why have Dr Frank shocked me? Anyone else?
Oh yes, I suspect I don't resemble your image of me at adjectives. I have my Left ear pierced a shaved principal and a number of tattoos. I also wear comparatively a lot of goth trinkets.
Has his daughter got an extremely pointy person in charge?
Maybe Dr Frank is a woman
charming ! what sort of DR is this, the same sort as Gillian Mckeith i suspect.

Why dose my body crack?

hi im 14 and sumtimes when i move my body cracks like anywhere my arms legs fingers toes rear legs etc im fit and athletic can someone tell me why this happen is there something wrong next to me it dosent hurt but im just wondering?Why dose my body crack?
Could be a few things...
1. Just a module of growing up... you bones are joints are growing.
2. Could enjoy a cartilage problem, such as not covering your joints properly (I enjoy that problem in my jowl, so it snaps/clicks when I eat, driving those around me crazy.
3. There are fluid sack that lubricate your joins... could be a problem in attendance.
Probably mostly just #1, but if you are concerned, step see an Orthopedic doc and have him x-ray one of your joint.
If there in fact is a problem, you could develop arthritis early is vivacity... which is not good.
i come up with it could be just popping, similar to if you were popping your knuckles. and the plea the sound comes is gas are being released within the joints.
It is a moment ago air. There is a gooey in adjectives your joints and nouns collectes in the fluid. When you pull you joint apart, the air escapes and to be precise what causes the cracking nouns.
It won't hurt you and is totally safe if you merely let it transpire when it wants to, but cracking your finger joint or other joints planned, could cause wound to your joints. Over time it tend to become a habit and you overstress the joint involved. It puts too much pressure on the sockets, the tendons and ligaments and can cause actual harm.

Why don't they use smelling salt anymore?

I've been watching like mad of 'old time' movies lately that involved someone passing out and someone reviving them near smelling salts. I'm purely curious why they don't use them anymore.Why don't they use smelling salt anymore?
They may not use them in the movies...but they do maintain them on ambulances and in ER's. They hold thier rare application, but they own been replaced as the first entry to do by the ABC'c (airway, breathing, circulation) of Basic Life Support...Is the airway obstructed? Are they breathing? Do they have a pulse? People purely don't "faint" anymore. When they fall out, they go down out!
Sheesh! have you ever smelled those things? They sting!!
They still do.it's not smelling salt it is ammonia..it once seemed close to almost everone had a faint spell at one time or another...some acted like they faint and the ammonia fumes burnt their proboscis and eyes to the point they could hardly caught their breath so they never tryed to carry attention again by pretending to pass out. Now writers won't write any faint woman in to a script at the moment.

Why don't populace ever cover their mouths properly when they sneeze or cough?

It's disgusting and unsanitary.Why don't populace ever cover their mouths properly when they sneeze or cough?
Yeah, I know and I hate when they cover their frontage with thier paw and don't wash them.
They are only pure disgusting!
They don't know better and/or they don't care!
it is disgusting at that Val ,but a sneeze or cough can come on suddenly and the party doesn't get a adjectives to cover the mouth
its just the paucity of manners

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