Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do some cigarillos hold filter if they are not intended to be inhaled?

Why do some cigarillos hold filter if they are not intended to be inhaled?
one the the reason might be they want it to look better
Silly ask but what is one of those?
which ones are not to be inhaled? Filters are to make you estimate that smoking cigs with filter are safer to smoke, they are not, there are no not detrimental cigs to smoke. I grow tobacco, but I don't think anyone should smoke. I don't smoke it's discouraging for you, try to stop smoking if you can you will feel profoundly better and will live longer. Good Luck Always
They're not meant to be inhaled but race still inadvertently do. Also, the same chemicals that are deadly to the lungs can also do a lot of mess up to the inside of your mouth and gums.

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