Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why does have a supporter on gross me sick?

Whether its a window admirer, or a standing interior fan, or a ceiling supporter, I always extension up with an earache or a stuffy muzzle or a sore throat.. or all three. WHY? I am singular allergic to dust and mold, and my house is clean.. so what is it nearly the fan that make me feel sick?Why does have a supporter on gross me sick?
No issue what there is other dust in the atmosphere. And the fact is the aficionado blows it down on you, and you breathe it in. And what probably happen is, your nose get stuffy first, so then your body breathes through your mouth and you throat get irritated. But , one thing that could muffle the amount of pollen and allergens in the atmosphere, is to get a really suitable air conditioning filter, look for merv 11 or greater, it helped my sinuses tremendously. Good luck, you could also ask your doctor if you might wanna be on zyrtec or something.
It absolutely sounds like allergies! Fans blow dust around and it's impossible to hold a completely dust free home. Try Claritin OTC or see your doctor for a prescription if Claritin doesn't work. You may also want to look into a good nouns purifier.
Hope you feel better soon!
purely because ur house is clean doesnt parsimonious ur fan is verbs.
If your fan is not extremely verbs it will be blowing dust particles right at you. This may lead to a stuffy nose or sore throat. Try any turning the fan away from you or set to oscilate. MAKE SURE ITS VERY CLEAN. I sleep beside a fan on every hours of darkness..

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