Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why does your mouth treat faster than the rest of your body?

Why does your mouth treat faster than the rest of your body?
Your mouth is the dirtiest place on/in your body. but when you think roughly it, your mouth has the competency to create a perfect and fair environment for itself to function. Like there are enzymes surrounded by your mouth, but if you put stomach enzymes in your mouth you would burn similar to hell. So what I think is that contained by order for your mouth to keep hold of it's equilibrium, it needs to sort out sores and stuff hastily so it can carry on next to it's work, because blood and stuff messes up it's balance. but when we reach a deal about gum boils and thins close to that, they take ages to restore to health
the cells within your mouth are more simple than the ones in the inner parts of your body
perchance saliva keeps the wound verbs and breaks down bacteria that could slow recuperative? Just a guess.
As far as i know, wounds within your mouth treat slower than wounds anywhere else due to the constantly high level of moisture as a result of your saliva. Being wet slows down the curative process. So if you're mouth oriented wounds restore to health faster than anywhere else on your body, maybe you;re a short time ago special.

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